Services & Support

Hartwood currently operates 18 group residences supporting nearly 100 persons within the community where they receive the support and encouragement they need to build their skills and reach their highest potential.  In addition, Hartwood owns and operates a state-of-the art group home-based respite/emergency program serving up to eight individuals at a time and in-home (and drop-in) supports programs in Fairfax County, Virginia serving children and adults. Finally, Hartwood administers Fairfax county’s Respite Subsidy Program which gives nearly two hundred local families a break on the cost of private respite services for their loved one with special needs. See details below.

Note: Unless otherwise noted all programs are for adults. Fees are charged based on the ability to pay and pursuant to contractual agreements with Community Services Boards. HUD supported programs require Section 8 eligibility and payment of fees.

Holiday Donation Policy:

Securing resources on behalf of the corporation is a function of the Hartwood Board of Directors. No donations or gifts may be solicited or received by any Hartwood personnel, without specific authorization from the Board of Directors.

To protect the interests of all  of Hartwood’s program participants, gifts/donations in addition to payment for services rendered may only be accepted on behalf of the corporation. This serves to eliminate a potential  conflict of interest that may result in favoritism to a particular consumer versus those not giving gifts.

All gifts/donations shall be received through the Hartwood Main Office to ensure proper cataloguing and receipt. Gifts and donations made to the corporation are tax deductible, and they must be identified and receipted to the donor by the corporation for the allowable IRS deduction.

Gifts/donations may be designated by the donor for a specific program(s), or they may be placed in the corporation’s general fund to be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Gifts/donations that are designated other than “to the corporation general fund” are accepted subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and may be declined. Gifts/donations may also be made to the corporation in recognition of the efforts of a specific employee(s). In this case, upon receipt from the Hartwood Main Office, the employee will receive a formal letter of acknowledgment for his/her efforts, as indicated by the donor.

At no time shall a Hartwood employee accept a personal gift/donation from service recipients, their families, or advocates. Any such gifts/donations should be turned directly over to Hartwood management for proper receipt and processing. Cards and letters of appreciation to individual employees by service recipients, their families or advocates are welcome. Prepared or otherwise ready-to-eat food items that may be shared among staff and individuals in particular programs, (i.e., baked goods, fruit, etc.) are also welcome. Any gift/donation of this nature is to be reported to Hartwood management for proper acknowledgment.

Group Home Services and Supports:

Provides safe, comfortable and adaptive (as may be needed) housing and comprehensive residential support services 24 hours/day

Supported Residential Services:

Provides safe, comfortable housing and (less than 24 hour/day care) residential support and general supervision

Emergency Respite Services:

  • One 8-bed Respite Group Home Fairfax County
  • Provides comprehensive residential support and services 24 hours/day. Under contract with Fairfax-Falls Church and Arlington Community Services Boards provides emergency housing and support for up to four persons at any one time. A maximum of four other individuals may be served at the home on a private, first come, first served basis.

Traditional Group Home-Based Respite Services:

Hartwood’s respite program may be used by any person who meets the target population requirements, the admission criteria, and pays the necessary fees.

A maximum of 8 individuals who meet the target population and admissions criteria may simultaneously use the respite facility. Up to four beds may be in “routine” use, the remaining beds are reserved for emergency use (3 – Fairfax – Falls Church CSB and 1- Arlington CSB)

The main focus of the respite program will be to provide short term, periodic care for the residents in the absence of their families or other care providers. The respite facility is typically used for traditional respite purposes, i.e. giving families a break or respite from caring for the family member with an intellectual disability; however, it may be used for short-term emergency placement also.

“Routine” Respite Services for any individual at Hartwood Foundation’s respite facility may not exceed 21 consecutive days and may not exceed 60 days in any 1-year period.

The individual, individual’s family, or CSB support coordinator will be responsible for arranging transportation to and from the respite facility, the individual’s day placement, recreational events not arranged and staffed by Hartwood Foundation staff, and any medical appointments that happen to fall during an individual’s “private respite” stay at the facility. Hartwood Foundation staff will not be available to accompany an individual to a medical appointment. Should a medical emergency occur, 911 will be contacted to request an ambulance. The individual’s parents and/or emergency contacts will be contacted/ notified as soon as possible to meet the individual at the hospital.

In-Home Support Services:

With funding through the Virginia Intellectual Disability Waivered Services Program support can be provided in the family home on a limited basis. Both children and adults are eligible for services.

Drop-In Support Services:

With funding through the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, adults living in the community alone or with housemate(s) may receive support in all facets of home and community living.

Respite Subsidy Program:

With funding through the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, families may be eligible to receive cash subsidies to assist with the costs of hiring specially skilled “sitters/companions” to care for a family member with intellectual disabilities during short absences of caregivers. Both children and adults are eligible for services.

Once a Hartwood Services Application is completed and either mailed or emailed to the Hartwood main office, Hartwood staff will confirm the individual’s/family’s eligibility to participate in the Respite Subsidy Program with the Community Services Board. Once eligibility is confirmed, the Respite Subsidy Coordinator will contact the family to schedule a home visit/intake to assess the individual’s support intensity level and review forms and procedures for seeking (subsidy) reimbursement for Respite fees paid by the family directly to the private provider of their choosing.

Enrichment Programs:

Hartwood has developed and maintained private funding for special purposes that can be used with any Hartwood operated program.

  • Martin M. Rosen Memorial Fund: special recreation and cultural activities
  • Leo Model Memorial Fund: music activities
  • Cyrus V. Helm Memorial Fund: staff training and education
  • Yereth Frank Kahn Memorial Fund: gardening and horticultural activities/training
  • Hartwood is an approved and enrolled provider of residential and respite services under the Mental Retardation Medicaid Waivered Services Program since its inception in 1991.  Program operations are licensed through the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services – Office of Licensure.